Lets set the carton boxed wines for a moment and give way for the first bottled zurrapa candidate. Besides I've got some carton wine options in stock in the refrigerator as I type so don't distress.

Lets proceed to taste the Lezíria White (no year) produced by the Adega Cooperativa de Almeirim, coming directly from the Ribatejo hot plains bordered by the Tagus river in the North.
It shows off a dark citrus colour filled with golden tones and with hints of ligth green.
At 7-8 ºC a very intense citric aroma like you're peeling a lemon but more acidulate. As the temperature rises it starts showing some signs of tropical fruit but yet undefined. Waiting for it to reach the 15ºC nothing more defined comes into the nose fruit wise.
On the mouth some consistent tropical fruits can be grasped but only on the first 2 seconds after the entry. After that one can feel some high acidity specially on the sides of the tongue - where in theory it should be sensed - but not that high that it turns unbearable. It travels consistently up to half a tongue leaving a sligth creamy note over it. It leaves a vegetable aftertaste in the palate.
For the first bottle review of a candidate zurrapa i'm dissapointed in a good way because it was indeed an acceptable wine. Does not go up in the scale because of the acidity and the nose / mouth unbalance. Above of all its a fair wine that pairs good with a grilled fish with a high fat content or even some fried fish.
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